Saturday 31 August 2013


So it has been pretty crazy since our arrival.  As you know from my last post we thought we would get into our other appartement (yes I will be posting words in french...if I have to learn you can too) sooner rather than later...well it turns out it is later.  We have finally found out that our landlord was having the guy kicked out this weekend and we can get in around the 3rd.  So it looks like next weekend is moving weekend and I will post some pics when we get a chance.

I need everyone to think some positive job finding thoughts for the hubs.  He has several apps out and has been on a couple of interviews (not bad for about 3 weeks of real looking)...but no offers.  He has several opportunities coming up and we could use the extra positive.

The girls are doing good.  If they could talk I am sure they would say that they are excited about getting into a bigger place where they can really stretch out....

these were taking Parc Jean Drapeau on Isle St. Helene last weekend!

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